Body contouring is a non-surgical procedure that aims to enhance the shape and appearance of the body by removing excess skin and fat, tightening and toning the underlying tissues, and improving overall body contours. Here are the top five benefits of CoolSculpting. 1. Noninvasive treatment these treatments require surgical incisions and invasive techniques to deliver the results you expect and deserve. surgical solutions involve anesthesia, come with risks of complications, leave some scarring, and generally require downtime so that your body can recover from the procedure. This is due to the fact that CoolSculpting works by freezing your subcutaneous fat without causing you any pain. These temperatures effectively freeze and kill your fat cells. The dead fat cells are removed from your body by your lymphatic system, which naturally rids your body of cellular waste. The end result? You get excellent results without having to cut your skin. 2. Address multiple problem areas...